Monday, April 17, 2006

Have a good Easter? Current mood: rejuvenated
We did. The weekend itself started off kinda rough, but ended up good by last night. I had a mini-meltdown over the state of life and the state of the house, etc. on Saturday morning LOL, so we spent some time cleaning. Then got a call that my mom had fallen and really hurt her leg, so we headed over there early. (we were headed there anyway for our family Easter thing) Yep, she had fallen, twisted her leg and banged the side of her head. She refused to go to the hospital or urgent care (can't *imagine* where I get my stubbornness LOL), but finally called a friend who had been in orthopedics to look at it. He determined nothing was broken or torn, thank God. It was really swollen and she couldn't put ANY weight on it.
So, that left my sister, sister-in-law, and I to finish lunch:-) That was pretty fun actually. We all got in there (neice Courtney included - Hey Court! when you read this), and got 'er done. Had a great early dinner and fun visit with my bro, sis, in-laws, and all the (many) cousins. Between the 3 of us, we have 12 kids, so it was VERY fortunate that it was nice weather, and all those children could be running outside. The kids spent their time in a grand caterpillar collecting adventure (remember those, Jenna?). We grown-ups spent our time complaining about the heat LOL. Oh mercy - my parents' AC was just not working, and it was sooooo hot. Finally, my sis and I escaped outside to sit in the cool breeze. Nice.
So, other than our wonderful DODGE van's transmission falling apart (gotta love those American cars, huh? especially the GM ones.), Saturday was pretty good.
Sunday was great! We slept pretty late, Mikey made us French toast, then we dyed eggs with the kids. Got a Star Wars egg dying kit, and that was a hoot! Then ate Easter candy until we couldn't anymore, got all dressed up, and headed to church. Have I mentioned how *wonderful* it is to have church at 5pm Sunday? No mad rush in the morning, no fights on the way just b/c you're so blooming tired. Now that's what I call a day of rest:-) Anywho, after church, headed over to the pastor's house for a cookout, and that was that. A fab time was had by all.
Ahh, and now it's Monday. Today, we get back in the swing. This week is shaping up to be really busy. Today won't be, but we've gotta get schoolwork done and house stuff done before the craziness begins.
Oh, and I didn't mention the doctor's visit I will be making later today. Wildman, age 5, had a little fall on my pastor's trampoline last night, and he's still complaining of it today. Given that he is my one child who doesn't really feel pain, unless it's REALLY bad - I think we're going in, just to check it out.
That's it!! HE IS RISEN, INDEED!!!


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