Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday, Monday Current mood: crazy
Aaaah, the joys of Monday morning. The kids are wigged out from a crazy weekend, the mom is irritated and short fused from NO sleep all weekend long (and whose fault was that but her own?), the house is a WRECK.
You know, there was a time when Monday was my favorite day of the week. It just seemed like a fresh start. I seem to have succumbed to the "oh, it's monday" blues - perhaps directly correlating to the number of children in this house LoL. When I had one child, maybe even 2, Mondays were great. Now with 3, this mommy starts the week ready for the weekend again!
~sigh~Off to stop delaying the inevitable. Clean the house, educate the children, feed the family - Amanda's life in a nutshell:-) So sad, aren't I?? LOL


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