Thursday, April 01, 2004

Let's see - what's up with me today? Not a whole lot new...still getting the house ready to sell. Painting the kitchen(will it *ever* be done?), packing up some clutter, trying to make this 1100 square feet look like more! Our friend the realtor sent us an email of listings to look at, to see if they are comparable to our house. Well, the houses were fairly similar, but the values were wayyyy less. The tax values alone were $40,000 less than ours!
I've been doing some reading on discipline lately - gentle discipline to be specific, also known as positive discipline or grace-based discipline. I'm really beginning to rethink some of the views I've held these last 4 years since we took Growing Kid's God's Way. And no, not just b/c the Ezzo's have proven to be the latest in "Christian" leaders who seem to have zero integrity(you can read more about that on But also been doing some reading on the Biblical meaning of things like "the rod", etc. and it seems that what I've thought most of my life, and accepted as truth, really *isn't*. Anyway, an interesting site with lots of info on this is:
All 3 kiddos are doing well: The "educational consultant" from Susannah's school called me a week or two ago and basically told me we need to have her officially evaluated for ADHD. So, now that her teacher, principal, *and* the consultant all concur, I guess we're having her evaluated. I have a call in to Joyner, and we're starting whatever process we have to go through to have her evaluated through the public school system. (we certainly can't afford private testing!) Hopefully, they won't make us jump through too many hoops, since she's in a private school.
Killian grows more aggressive by the day - but hopefully this new perspective on discipline will help things. I'm counting on it anyway. He's also sweet, and compassionate, and smart as the proverbial whip. I think he's going to be the genius of the bunch!
Katrielle is developing more every day as well. She is now crawling, *and* pulling up on things! I realized today that I need to put all the outlet covers back, b/c she was crawling all around the living room and seemed to find all the uncovered outlets. Why do babies have this radar for stuff that isn't safe?

And me? Well, I'm just mommy, don't you know? Sometimes I wonder if the kids weren't here if there'd be any "me" left. I guess every mom goes through that now and again.

Well, that's all for today!


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