Tuesday, April 04, 2006

This has been a crazy week so far. I mean, I haven't done anything that out of the ordinary, but for some reason, I'm like Friday-tired. What is up with that?

Some good stuff from this week....I got to have dinner with my 2 bestest friends growing up Sunday evening. It was really fun. SO nice to just talk and catch up. Our food was good, but for the first time ever at the Village Tavern, our service REALLY stunk. Hmm, other good stuff. OH, found out that my sis, after 4 boys in a row is having a GIRL!!! :-) Yippee for yay!
I think that's about all the extra-good - everything else has been fairly routine. School with the kiddies, soccer games/practice, cooking, cleaning, yada, yada, yada.

So let me move on to something SO much more exciting than *my* life...American Idol!! Tonight was a strange night. First of all, was I the only one who did not even recognize Kenny Rogers? He has had some serious construction done on that face. I should know, cuz Mikey has forced me to watch the Lonesome Dove movie with him in it about a million times. And that was NOT the same face as the Lonesome Dove LOL.

Now, I love country music. Really, I do! Is that a surprise? Maybe - I don't think I look like the country type. But I really enjoy it, it's my second favorite radio choice after KLOVE Well, unless Dave Ramsay is on AM 830 LOL. But I digress...country music. I love it. So tonight was a pretty big disappointment for me. I thought most of the kiddies did a really bad job - average at best. Mikey says I'm worse than Simon though, so I might be a TEENY bit critical :-) Here's my rundown...

Kelly - I really liked her song. I love that song anyway, and she did a good job. Not just GREAT, but good.

Elliot - I was surprised by how much I like this. I think Elliot's voice is awesome.

Ace - Shocking, huh? I *really* don't like Ace at all, but I have to give him credit - tonight's song was really good. He was killing me with the nasty falsetto at the end. I HATE it, oh so much. And I have my doubts about his sexual orientation, but that's a whole 'nother blog LOL.

Chris - Of course. The man - I thought he showed that he really CAN sing, even if he's not belting out the rock stuff. Loved it.

Just "okay" (to quote Randy):

Bucky - I wish he would have picked a more "country" country song. He did all right, but I'm not sure it's enough to keep him here. I LIKE Bucky personally, but I think he would have been smarter to pick a more upbeat song.

Katherine - The girl FINALLY covered up LOL!! I absolutely love Katherine's voice, but I didn't think this song showcased it much at all. I was suprised to see her in the bottom 3 last week, but I would not be surprised to see her there again tomorrow night.


Mandisa - Whhaaaaa???? I LOVE Mandisa, now, so I was shocked to find that I really really did NOT like this song. I know she has a better voice than me, but I've done a better job singing that song in a karaoke contest. I don't think she has anything to worry about, b/c she has the fan support, but girlfriend needs to get back to something she does well next week.

Taylor - I was soooo sad about this. Mandisa *and* Taylor, really stinking it up on stage. What is with that? I know that this was totally not Taylor's style of music, but I thought he could have found a better song than THAT to show off his voice and showmanship. I was bummed.

Paris - The golden girl is showing some cracks in her perfect veneer. I have not enjoyed Paris the last few weeks. She has seemed really fake and "put on" to me. Tonight was no exception. YES, she has quite possibly the most amazing pipes I've ever heard, but quite honestly, she looked bored singing tonight, and who wants to watch some bored soul up there just singing?

Well, there's my opinion...I honestly have no clue who will be in the bottom 3 tomorrow night, and I couldn't venture a guess on who will go home. That's a first for me I think.:-)


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