Not-so-extreme home makeover :-)
At least we're making *progress*!.. We worked on the house all afternoon - oh MY I am tired!.. But I am determined to get the kitchen done by Thanksgiving... We worked on the sanding and patching today...when we removed the last of the nasty wallpaper (you know, the wallpaper that originally was a light beige, but had turned a nasty gray from the oil-heat produced soot), some of the wall came with it... Gotta LOVE that 50 year old plaster! We also began painting the cabinets... It's not going to be gorgeous when we're done, but darn it, it's going to be about 500% better than the truly awful mint green that's there now.
Some pics:.. This is the before - can you see the mint green loveliness? Oh it's so awful! I cannot wait to make it ALL begone! Second pic is the color the cabinets will be when we're done..
Here is the wall color - my flash made it look like a pumpkin, but it's really more like a dark paprika... The second picture is closer to the real color - don't mind my liquor bottles LOL. Those particular ones have actually lasted us for all 7 years of marriage:
Oh, and the floor! I totally forgot that this makeover also included pulling up the hideous GREEN carpet that was in my dining room... There is hardwood underneath the carpet - it's not in very good shape, so we won't be sticking with it for the long term, but for a stop-gap it is more than adequate, and Lord help me, *anything* is better than that disgusting carpet!:
And last but not least - the bathroom project... The shower is ready to be tiled, and then we can put the doors and faucet on and that part will be done!..It doesn't look like much at the moment, but it's an amazing difference... I wish I had a "before" picture on this one - the place where the shower is right now was actually a closet... Mikey tore out the closet and the wall between it and the make it one big room... Also adding a pic of the plumbing - cuz I'm so proud of my handyman who did it all himself!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Just a little of this and that - random thoughts of a SAHM/wife, daughter, friend, etc.
About Me
- Name: Amanda in NC
- Location: Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
I'm a wife, mom, daughter, friend, sister, and most of all, child of God. That pretty much sums it up!
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Just a thought...we once sanded a wood floor we found beneath hideous vinyl tiles...the sander took up the glue and everything. If there are no gaps in the wood floor it might be redeemable.
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