Monday, June 05, 2006

Back in the saddle again... Current mood: busy
Well, not *quite* the image I was looking for, but we'll go with it. I'm going to TRY to blog more faithfully from now on. Summer's here, and even though I don't think my life is going to slow down a whole lot, I should have a few less plates to spin, and thus, actually HAVE some time on the computer! (and maybe brain cells enough to put 2 coherent sentences together LOL)
What's going on here:
Mom's still laid up. She goes this week for her post-op to hopefully get cleared and start moving the knee. After 8 weeks in an immobilizer (and of course, all the hardware in there), I am sure that is going to be *painful*. Prayerfully, recovery will continue to go well, b/c she has to go back to work pretty soon.
We are taking a 2 week break from homeschooling right now, then SusieQ is going to be doing some summer school for a few weeks due to an excessively long Thanksgiving and Christmas break:-) (I will NOT make that mistake again next year!) My wildman is done until August. Curriculum is chosen, just waiting to be ordered. I'm really excited about that! :-)
I don't want to jinx this, so knock on wood, but Kattygirl seems to be potty trained!!! She all of a sudden decided that she was NOT going to wear diapers anymore, and that was that. She is even staying dry at naps and all night long. I had *one* diaper left, and I am really stoked about the idea of never having to buy diapers again, so hopefully this is it.
We are hatching baby chicks! Well, they aren't hatched yet, but we do have about 30 eggs in an incubator right now. If all goes well, we'll have some baby chicks in about 2 weeks. We're keeping them at my mom's and mine and my sister's kids are taking turns rotating them, etc. We're going to raise them, and have fresh eggs eventually. Yeah!
I'm still doing the Grocery Game, and I'm really happy with it. I can't tell you how NICE it is to be able to shop at Harris Teeter, but for Walmart prices. SO, SO nice.
Chris Daughtry - well, I am SO out of the loop. I didn't even *know* until today that he was going to be in town yesterday. What kind of fan am I??? I have to admit, I don't love him as much as my Constantine (and yes, a year later, Constantine still just is IT for me...something about those tall, dark, handsome, bad boy types:-), but he IS pretty hot, no?
I think that's about it in Amanda-land! Not terribly exciting, but awfully busy, it seems!